Dandy Grounding Plate - Series #DGP
Certified ground electrode plate
Meets and exceeds C.E.C. Part 1 10-102 Grounding Electrodes and CSA Standard Rule 6.10.4 and certified as such
Stud design is acceptable where authority having jurisdiction allows ground wire connection not to be visible
Hook design allows for ground wire to be visible by way of the rod being above finished grade with this plate the electrode being in direct contact to virgin soil directly below footing and/or encased in 2” concrete
Corrosive resistant bronze oval cable clamp #8-3/0 (when terminal is not visible)
Oversized 32” x 9” unit is suggested when plate surface contact is only in contact on 1 side of plate (as in bottom of footing)
Unique hook design is specific to obtaining a visible, corrosion resistant, code compliant and certified secure cable connection to a buried electric system metal plate. Grounding electrode compatible to direct earth burial and concrete encasement or combination of both for metal electrode electric system grounding. ** PATENT PENDING**
Cable clamp by others to authority having jurisdiction
Intertek certified to C.S.A. C22.2 #41-13