EEMAC 3R enclosure for indoor & outdoor use
Designed for control of a variety of lighting and other non-motor loads including tungsten filament lighting, electric discharge lighting, electric furnaces and hot water heaters
4, 8 and 12 pole models are standard
ASA 61 grey powder coat finish on door, galvanized body complete with hinged door and locking clasp
Terminal size to T2-CEC for copper and aluminum
120V AC coil - 60 Hz complete with PEC terminal
CSA certified assembly
Top mounted photocell or flush side mounted
Pole mounted ears (see D-LITE-D)
HOAor on/off selector switch
Control transformers if 120V control isn't available
LED pilot light for 'on' or for 'off'
Time clock for early off
EEMAC 4and 4Xenclosures
Various contactor assemblies and sizes
Custom control logic
Alarm interface for 100% on cycle
Assembly is maximum operation voltage 600V on power pole
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