EEMAC 3R enclosure - compact, heavy duty, deluxe design
Typically used for road lighting, traffic intersections or parks where bolt in compact power distribution complete with PEC load side multiple contactor control is required. Optional exterior mounted utility meter socket
EEMAC 4X construction allows for wash down as required in roadway applications. Marine grade aluminum - corrosion resistant
Super durable ASA 61 grey powder coat finish
Fits up to armtec #4-0046 and HO #MK100 precast elevated bases for easy installation and durability. Precast bases have ample room for cable installation, reduce chance of settlement and raised cabinet height
Pedestal mount style enclosure complete with open bottom and 4" snow kick - no flange to decay or protruding bolts. Door has 3 point stainless steel handle
Service entrance rated main breaker section 10kAIC
316 stainless steel assembly
Available in 60" when custom ordered - consult factory
Available in 3 phase - alter 120/240V to 120/208V
Specify quantity & size of contactors & branch circuit breakers at time of order