Conductor too large and causing stress on your CT’s?
CT Terminator Mounts are Your Solution
CT Terminator Mounts
Model #D-CT-TM
Specifically designed and patented to make quick, stable cable terminations to utility bar type CT’s. Unique saddle-mount assembly fits various size compression or mechanical lugs. For either straight or 90° connection, prevents damage to CT created by conductor stress. Bus, lugs and bolts are supplied in CSA certified assembly.
CT Jumper Kit
Model #D-JP-C
Specifically designed to jumper out CT's in services where CT’s are no longer required (ex. as utility moves metering to supply transformer from inside CT cabinet). Unit is free standing with base, insulator mounts and copper bus.
Bus link only without base
Utility CT/Metering Neutral Terminal
Model #D-CT-N
Specifically designed as a lay-in lug/neutral isolation block for connection of meter potential tickler wire required by utilities, where it is preferred not to cut the neutral cable.